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The Cost of Passivhaus

Early Passivhaus buildings have often cost more than others, but now costs are reducing compared to conventional construction and with intelligent planning and an experienced team, some Passivhaus buildings can cost no more than the conventional alternative, whilst providing a better product.


For a cost effective Passivhaus consider:


  • Include Passivhaus thinking from the start – early project decisions have a bigger impact on cost compared later decisions.     Involve your certified Passivhaus Designer (like Accredited Passivhaus Design) from the start, as architect or separate             consultant


  • Take best advantage of south facing orientation, so sunlight can warm the house.


  • Use a compact shape for your building - a detached bungalow will cost more to build compared to a terraced house or a block of flats.  Less efficient shapes with a greater heat loss area relative to floor area will be more expensive to build and meet the   Passivhaus standard


  • Involve the contractor early in the process, so that their unfamiliarity with Passivhaus does not increase the cost


  • Forthcoming changes to the Building Regulations for Zero Carbon/ Carbon Neutral buildings will increase conventional construction costs, but the Certification process for Passivhaus will give a better quality of construction. 

  • Terraced and multi-storey buildings are more cost effective than single storey & detached ones.



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